Thursday, October 27, 2011

Revision for Week 8 Tests

The Glenelg School of Abu Dhabi 

 Grade 7 English –Material Covered for test on 2 November 2011
·      Maniac Magee: The whole book.
·       Proper Nouns, Common Nouns, Collective Nouns and Abstract Nouns
Faucets            jostled                        ventured            nonchalantly                        lambasting            chuckled           
Thronged            solitary                        rasping                        constellations                        clamped            hoisted
Astonishment            vacant                        asphalt                        scraggly                                    blotches            lingered
Infamous            auditorium            sneered            glared                                    slithered            converged
Scowling            clutched            vacant                        

The Glenelg School of Abu Dhabi

Grade 7 Social Studies –Material Covered for test on 2 November 2011.

Geography of Medieval Europe Cities, Empires, Islands, Mountains, Rivers
Life in Medieval Towns Living, conditions, job opportunities, entertainment
What was life like in medieval European towns?

1. The growth of medieval towns.
2. Guilds
3. Trade and commerce
4. Homes and households

Surplus resident dominate isolated
guilds apprentice Common law

Explain how geographic factors affected the development of towns in medieval Europe.
The relationship between trade and the growth of medieval towns.
Daily life in medieval towns
Clarify word meanings through the use of definitions and examples.
Read expository text to connect essential ideas to prior knowledge.


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